Becoming a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner!

This 3-month online program in Functional Nutrition is the only one of its kind, offering direct mentorship from acclaimed Functional Medicine Nutritionist Andrea Nakayama and certifying you as a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP).

The curriculum includes weekly teaching sessions, direct mentorship from Andrea on clinical skills, Functional Nutrition systems, and any questions that are coming up in your personal practice. Students will learn how to navigate complex cases by utilizing the Functional Nutrition tools and systems developed by Andrea and used by her nutrition team at the Functional Nutrition Alliance (FxNA).

Through written assignments, collaboration with a partner, and a live case study review with Andrea, students will gain proficiency in all 8 pillars of the Functional Nutrition Mastery Paradigm. Graduates emerge both skilled and confident in assessing client intakes, navigating the terrain of both complex physical symptoms and the delicate client-practitioner relationship, and determining treatment plans for client cases in clinical practice. Students will also learn how to work in partnership with other practitioners, including physicians, and communicate their ideas and insights more effectively so that they can create the change they are most passionate about.

FNLP is an application-only program open to select graduates of Full Body Systems who are seeing at least one client. You can click here for more information on how to become an FNLP!