Functional Nutrition Lab differs from other functional medicine and nutrition trainings in several ways. 

In many other trainings, there’s a focus on the theoretical. What Andrea is able to do, after working with hundreds of clients and thousands of class participants, is translate the theoretical into the practical. She wants you to have the clinical and business success that she has had, so she teaches you how to implement your knowledge to truly help people get well.

FNL is the only training program that teaches the following 4 key skills in building a thriving functional nutrition practice:

  1. The art of connection: Learn how to create rapport and connection with your client, how to ask the right questions to find the root cause of their health issues, and tap into their motivations. Both your client compliance and clinical success will skyrocket.
  2. In-depth anatomy and physiology through the lens of food and nutrition: How does food meet physiology? Food meets physiology differently in each of us because none of us are the same as any other. FNL teaches you to see what others cannot see—what’s going on in the unique body of your particular client.
  3. Integrating your client’s unique physiology into their healing protocol: How to take the knowledge gained about the unique physiology of your client, along with his/her unique motivations (learned from the art of connection), to create individualized nutrition plans for your clients and patients that they will actually follow.
  4. How to gain the respect of your client’s medical team:Work in tandem with physicians and other medical professionals, and become a true partner and advocate for your client.

Above all else, the support and mentorship provided by Andrea and her team are one of a kind. They guide you through case studies and answer your toughest questions so you can practice with confidence.