Healthcare providers of all levels: nutritionists, health coaches, MDs, acupuncturists, chiropractors, RDs, NP’s, RNs, PAs, students...

There are no prerequisites to starting your deep dive into Functional Nutrition with FNL. However, the coursework is not intended for the patient to work on their own health issues. Some prior professional training is recommended to get the most out of the program. Functional Nutrition Lab is for you if...

  • you are looking to increase client compliance so that your work as a practitioner helps more people
  • you want to grow your business by referral (doing great work will get people talking!)
  • you are either a professional who has a wealth of information, but hasn’t been taught the art of working with people, OR you are a coach with great people skills who hasn’t been taught the nitty gritty of physiology (this is the only program that combines both!)
  • you are looking for an in depth functional nutrition program with 100% support and mentorship
  • you want to feel more confident helping clients with complicated health challenges and complex nutrition concerns
  • you know (or suspect) one-size-fits-all protocols don’t work, and you want advanced training in individualized patient and client care
  • you are craving an intelligent community who is passionate about health and wellness and likes to geek out on getting great results, just like you